Thanks To ST84Photo Subscribers!

Last week, I gave a big shout out to various people who had inspired me or helped me out in a jam.

This week, I just want to say a little thanks to everyone who has subscribed to this blog, left comments, shared it with others, and generally checked it out.

I mostly write the blog for myself – I decide what to post about based on what I’d like to read, or what I think needs discussing. Or, I post about exhibitions and talks I’ve been to, or books I’ve read, to “pay it forward” a little by sharing what I think of them. The idea of having an audience here is still a fairly vague entity in the back of my mind as I write.

So it’s really cool when someone subscribes to the blog, and I get a little note from WordPress reminding me that I’m not the only person reading this thing.

I’ve been doing this for about 6 months now, and I still feel like the blog has yet to “take shape” as it were. But I hope that, as it does, you’ll enjoy it enough to stick around.

As always, if you have any comments, don’t be afraid to leave them below posts. I promise not to bite. 😉

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